Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Book Review: You Can be the Awesomest

A self-help book? Why? I don't understand why I can't review something by Chabon or Murakami. What next, moneymaking scam books? Joel Tarder's book You Can be the Awesomest is a good book for you if you're a mouth-breathing Oprahphile.
Clearly, there's no way I'm going to read this book, but juding from our audience, I'm sure all of you will rush right out to pick up this gem so you can leave it prominently displayed in your lavatories and visitors to your house will be able to see just how friggin' retarded you are.
If common sense phrased as encouraging commands is something you think will improve your life, by all means go ahead and give this Tarder guy twenty bucks. If that's not enough, pay the extra fifty and go to his seminar. Motivation? Do you have any idea how much pornography you could buy for twenty bucks? Some. And I guarantee that will make you more productive.
You Can be the Awesomest
Joel Tarder
Totally Not a Scam Publishing
Retail Price: $34.95